Friday 8 November 2013

Me as Medusa

This art work was done by a close friend of mine, Christebelle Chandini. She has given me permission to use her art work. The work is called 'Me as Medusa' as this is how she interprets herself to be. She likes to use snakes as a form of tool to scare others.Her hair is naturally curly, which reminds me alot about Goldilocks and her curls. Chandini has always wished her hair would resemble the form of snakes.
She also incorporated snake-like features to her face by drawing a side portrait of herself and adding on squarish features of a snake. In the photo you can see the snack looking back. This shows that she has to always watch her back and always defend herself. Having the tongue of the snake to stick out also shows how strong and brave she is as a person.

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="" href="" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">Me as Medusa</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Christebelle Chandini</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a xmlns:dct="" href="" rel="dct:source"></a>.

Friday 1 November 2013

Once Upon a Time

Creative Commons License
Once Upon a Time by Yulia Santoso is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
This drawing was based on my theme for art in practice module which is "Once Upon a Time". The words "Once upon a time" is usually used as the begining of fairytale story. That's why my drawing has a castle which usually represents fairytale. I put some curved lines as the frame and some decorations to make it nice. I placed the castle on a rock and put clouds behind the castle to show that it is above the sky. For the words "Once upon a time", I use Old English font type which is cursive font to match the theme and the curve frame.

A Beauty and A Beast

Creative Commons License
A Beauty and A Beast by Margareta Aniela is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

A Beauty and A Beast
This is a sculpture I made for my last 3D project. This shows a very contrast combination between red roses and sharp nails. I made this based on the inspiration that everything in this world has their own goodness and also bad sides. If we are looking at people's behaviour, there are always the evil sides even if they're good looking and friendly. In this sculpture, the three red roses represent a beauty while the nails represent a beast.
In conclusion, from making this sculpture I can be more understand that it doesn't mean every bad people don't have good sides and so the beautiful one also have their own bad hiding in themselves.

Thursday 31 October 2013

" Painting is a silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks."

Agnes Cecile is a penname of Silvia Pelissero, who is an italian painter born in 1991, Rome. She went to an Art Highschool and continue as a self-taught.  She is a watercolour portrait artist with sort of abstract style, she is also major in acrylic, oil, ink and varnish. She uses different kind of medium in one piece of work.

The first time i came across her work, i was so attracted to it, i really like her style. Its like when i look into her work, i can feel the emotions that lie in them. The way she divert her feelings through her work is really amazing. Her work are intense and filled with true emotions, every work brings strong meaning behind it. Combining different medium to complete a piece of work, without ruining the final outcome, her work is really stunning.



This two goldfish is my pets,the blue one called rumble fish and the red one called guppy. When I see them at first glance I felt very cute then decided to buy them , it is said that rumble fish can not be kept with another together .But, took home few weeks, the fumble fish dead, the guppy still alive and the vitality is particularly strong. So I thought, maybe the reputedly are said to what others say , any kind of bio can use their own way to survive.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cute Animals

Animals also have emotion. They know how to play let them happy. They are very cute. This picture was took by me. I was inadvertently captured. The "strong" bird don't want to play with the "pool" dog. But the dog like it very much. Maybe it thinks the bird is very interesting.What a funny couple! I think it does real life.

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="知识共享许可协议" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="" property="dct:title">Cute animays</span> 由 <span xmlns:cc="" property="cc:attributionName">WANG MOU</span> 创作,采用 <a rel="license" href="">知识共享 署名 3.0 未本地化版本 许可协议</a>进行许可。

Tuesday 29 October 2013

My cat


My CatYANG YUERONG 创作,采用 知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 3.0 未本地化版本 许可协议进行许可。

This is my cat.Before I met her.She was a stray cats.And she was so thin and sick.So I took her to hospital.And named her Ravioli.The meaning of this name is a Chinese traditional food.Because in that day I just finished my lunch.She is very cute, very healthy, she has been at my side to accompany me.Now I am not in china but I still miss her very much.I know she miss me too.Ravioli is my best friend if I was sad I will talk to her.I want to Ravioli can be happy evreyday.

Share, but unfair

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="知识共享许可协议" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />本作品采用<a rel="license" href="">知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 3.0 未本地化版本许可协议</a>进行许可。
This picture i took in an exhibition——Share, but unfair i visited in Shanghai last year. I was attracted by the poster in subway station, which shows 5 bear's heads heaped together. But when i walked into the room, the 3D effect really impressed me. We used bear's skin to colorful our life, but for bear's life, it is unfair.

Monday 28 October 2013

Connections, between two hardworking individuals.

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="" href="" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">Connections</span> by <span xmlns:cc="" property="cc:attributionName">Dominic Soh</span> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Singapore License</a>.

Connections, usually used to describe how close two certain individuals are towards each other. It can refer to family ties, relationship wise or even best friends in your life.

The above image that shows two bracelets with the skull designed silver looking beads along with the normal black ones, are the couple bracelet my girlfriend had specifically custom made from an online shop. She knew black is my favourite colour and I like skulls more than anything else. So, for her to go through all the troubles just to see the smile on my face, I'm really thankful that even a simple thing like product design can bring such happiness to an individual like myself. I'm sure there are people out there in this world who had felt the same as I do.

Connections, whether is it between art or design, we can't deny the fact that it is the key to everything for designers or artists like us. Isn't connecting with the viewers our ultimate objective at the end of the day? Therefore, connections to me is a very important thing.

Did I mentioned that my girlfriend, who currently is schooling in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, is in long distance relationship with me since July? One more reason why connection is important.


VASTPENG LI JIA 创作,采用 知识共享 署名-禁止演绎 3.0 未本地化版本 许可协议进行许可。

This is vast scenery. This painting likes scenery in my dream. The lonely house states on a neglected plot. And in the sky, there is something here, like a cloud or smoke. And in this shadow we can see a shape that like a angle, girl or some beautiful thing which has wing. I used lines and dots to draw, to create the result that likes that likes wood block. Black and white makes the painting strong. Liking some strange things happened in our normal life. I hope this painting can bring the feeling which makes your heart roll. The great power hides in the silent.

Friday 25 October 2013


Creative Commons LicenseLW STOOL1 by Laraine Hang Lih Wei is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Based on a work at

As for why its called LW is because it is the initials for my name and STOOL1 means this is  the first stool designed by me. LW STOOL1 is a stool under industrial style. The materials i will use are metals ans wood. The curvy shape of the seat  allow people to feel comfortable while sitting on. The unique design of legs to achieves visual sense of instability.

In conclusion,  by doing this project i know that industrial style in furniture are made from steel, metal or wood. These items are preferably salvaged and recycled.

Singapore's Sunset in 8 Seconds

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Singapore License.

After downloading an incredible application on my iPhone called "Stop Motion," I came up with an idea of creating a time-lapse video of sunset through my apartment's window. To create this video, I leaned my iPhone on my window and set it to take a picture every 30 seconds. The first picture was taken at about 6.15pm and the last picture was taken at 7.05pm. In total, there were 99 pictures combined together in a 8-seconds video. I didn't put any music in the background because I was afraid I would break the music production's copyright law.

In conclusion, making this video wasn't hard at all. I didn't face any significant obstacle other than not being able to use my phone for 50 minutes. I'd like to experiment and study more about time-lapse video making by using more professional video cameras because that would be really awesome! :D


Creative Commons License
WOODEN TISSUE by Fanghong Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. This work is one of my 3d fundamentals works . Using the contrast of soft and hard , namely the soft father like tissue and the sturdy wood ,the connection between them it tissue is made from wood.Several wooden tissues are over the tissue box seems like we are using wooden tissues. Everytime we use a piece of tissue , we're burning part of a tree away , even sometimes we waste tissues is also waste trees at the same as time . The main focus of this sculpture is the notion of saving paper .With approximately ecery 20 boxes used , one tree is used up .Comparing how long it takes to use 20 boxes of tissues and how long it need for a tree to grow .The problem of paper recycling continues to grow .

The shell rack

The shell rackSUN XIN 创作,采用 知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 3.0 未本地化版本 许可协议进行许可。

This is a model done by me. The idea for this model was from the shell.

The exterior model likes a shell. I used some slices that constituted the model. The triangle immobilized the model. The model became firmer. I used golden color of paperboard makes it look prettier.

 And I think this model is similarly a furniture design. It can make a furniture form this model idea. It can make the shoes rack or shelf that put some sundries. It will more graceful than common shoes rack or shelf.


Creative Commons License
TRAVEL by WU YINGYI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Singapore License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at!/b/dG7wUkzQFwAA&bo=VAOAAgAAAAABAPI!&rf=photoDetail.
Coming to Singapore, I came across a road, I soon found out of the name of this road. We have a lot of spare time, but we don't have courage to give up everythings to enjoy the journey.
  Walking down this road, I nothiced that there were many other tourists around me. These tourists inducling myself ,used our cameras to capture our moments here ,yet no one actually takes the time to understand the history of the buildings here that we capture on film. We simply snap a picture and are on our way to our next destination. The significance of a true travel has been lost.
   In the future, I'm not sure if I will have the time or stamina to embark on a true travel, but if I do, I will be able to tell my childern the real joy in travelling.


Creative Commons License
3D DRAWING ART by Hizkia Rudi Rivananda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Everyone knows about drawing  and almost all the people love to drawing, because drawing is limitless, i never for a moment imagined I won't be able to drawing, because drawing is the most important thing for artist and designer, and drawing help my imagination to create incredible art.

Drawing has a lot of development, but there is one kind of drawing development that make me amazed, it is 3D drawing art.
I made this 3D drawing based on my curiosity to learn something new. 3D drawing is so challenging for me, because it used the point of view, illusion to make the live impression, and unique area utilizing concept.

Lighting is the most important thing for 3D drawing. i used the glass for my first 3D drawing experience because the glass is easier to draw comparing the another object, and the other thing is the  glass that i have used to be my drawing object has a white color and it has been easier to me to see the lighting level.

Thursday 24 October 2013

acrylic painting

This is Michael from class VA1Q .I will post my own acrylic painting work

I made this work yesterday.Talk about first time experience drawing with an acrylic ink,it is not bad..I can feels the difference between colour painting and this acrylic,I use only a couple of basic colour and mix it all together to create this piece of art that i learned from youtube. Creative Commons License
Acylic tutorial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Singapore License.

Persistent Movement

Creative Commons License

Artwork by Hong Yi Feng is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This model was done during my 3D fundamental module, topic “Deconstruction and Reconstruction” The title of this art work, "Persistent Movement". Material that I used on this model was keyboard, Computer rom, remote car and light bulb. I make this model is because the first thought on my mind was craft and ship.
 I create this ship with wheel is because no matter how hard is the situation, I will over come all obstacles.

I like this topic because I get to join the parts which is broken and recreate using my own style. I love building model since young. It makes me feel wonderful in life and allow me to express my feelings towards art. Material have wide array of shape for me to choose and allow me to choose most compatible shape to mix with. It let me express my idea that I have in mind.

The problem I faced in this were time consuming and the shape of each part. Nafa really makes us explore and brainstorm our ideas.

In art there is no limitation for everyone using any medium for art and design. Passion and time is the key to succeed.

Invisible artist

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Liu Bolin who is a famous Chinese"invisible" artist. He paints himself out of this world, "disappear" into the instant noodle, the forest and the coal storage yard. He always like to question a common social issue thorough his work. Can u receive the information behind his work? Compared to the painting skill, the idea and the artist's attitude is more important. If an artwork is to touch someone, it must be the result of not only technique, but also the artist's thinking and struggle in life. 

Violence Devouring Innocence

violence devouring innocence

Creative Commons License
Violence Devouring Innocence by Patrick Tran Thanh Tuan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Singapore License.
Based on a work at

This is a model done by me for the 3D fundamental module, in the topic "Juxtaposition". The title of the work is " Violence Devouring Innocence". The work consists of two acrylic balls, acrylic rods, and sixty penknife blades broken into half.The work portrays the social issue of child abuse, which i witnessed in my neighborhood in Vietnam.The ball in blades represents for violence. In contrast to the size, the smaller white ball represents for the innocence. The differences in materials and texture convey the cruelty of adults imposed on children.

In conclusion, children are innocent,vulnerable, and not mature enough to conceive the consequences of their action. Therefore, They should be taught with love and steps by steps. Violence leaves permanently physical, and psychological scars.
Tran Thanh Tuan VA1R

Friday 18 October 2013


The third and final eLearning lesson / assessment
requires you to publish one arts-related post into this class blog
by 2359h on Fri 8 November 2013. In this one post,
you are expected to:
  1. Embed
    one image OR video you have created and own the copyright to.
  2. License
    it with a Creative Commons licence of your choice (use
  3. Write
    a short introduction and a short conclusion.  
  4. Insert
    a hyperlink (this can be anywhere in your post -- e.g. a link to the licence you
    have used).
  5. Title
    the post appropriately.
through the grading rubric below carefully before you start drafting your