Friday 25 October 2013

Singapore's Sunset in 8 Seconds

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Singapore License.

After downloading an incredible application on my iPhone called "Stop Motion," I came up with an idea of creating a time-lapse video of sunset through my apartment's window. To create this video, I leaned my iPhone on my window and set it to take a picture every 30 seconds. The first picture was taken at about 6.15pm and the last picture was taken at 7.05pm. In total, there were 99 pictures combined together in a 8-seconds video. I didn't put any music in the background because I was afraid I would break the music production's copyright law.

In conclusion, making this video wasn't hard at all. I didn't face any significant obstacle other than not being able to use my phone for 50 minutes. I'd like to experiment and study more about time-lapse video making by using more professional video cameras because that would be really awesome! :D

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