Thursday 24 October 2013

Persistent Movement

Creative Commons License

Artwork by Hong Yi Feng is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This model was done during my 3D fundamental module, topic “Deconstruction and Reconstruction” The title of this art work, "Persistent Movement". Material that I used on this model was keyboard, Computer rom, remote car and light bulb. I make this model is because the first thought on my mind was craft and ship.
 I create this ship with wheel is because no matter how hard is the situation, I will over come all obstacles.

I like this topic because I get to join the parts which is broken and recreate using my own style. I love building model since young. It makes me feel wonderful in life and allow me to express my feelings towards art. Material have wide array of shape for me to choose and allow me to choose most compatible shape to mix with. It let me express my idea that I have in mind.

The problem I faced in this were time consuming and the shape of each part. Nafa really makes us explore and brainstorm our ideas.

In art there is no limitation for everyone using any medium for art and design. Passion and time is the key to succeed.

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