Thursday 24 October 2013

Violence Devouring Innocence

violence devouring innocence

Creative Commons License
Violence Devouring Innocence by Patrick Tran Thanh Tuan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Singapore License.
Based on a work at

This is a model done by me for the 3D fundamental module, in the topic "Juxtaposition". The title of the work is " Violence Devouring Innocence". The work consists of two acrylic balls, acrylic rods, and sixty penknife blades broken into half.The work portrays the social issue of child abuse, which i witnessed in my neighborhood in Vietnam.The ball in blades represents for violence. In contrast to the size, the smaller white ball represents for the innocence. The differences in materials and texture convey the cruelty of adults imposed on children.

In conclusion, children are innocent,vulnerable, and not mature enough to conceive the consequences of their action. Therefore, They should be taught with love and steps by steps. Violence leaves permanently physical, and psychological scars.
Tran Thanh Tuan VA1R

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